Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day!

Happy Earth Day friends! As you know, I don't get political or opinionated in my blog. It is a blog dedicated to my beautiful son and how I enjoy every minute of his wide-eyed exploration of our world. However, I'm going to break the rule today and get a little didactic, because I can't think of any issue any more relevant to Elliott. Take care of our planet, because I want Elliott to be able to enjoy it for all his days too. I don't want Elliott to have to tell his kids about how the Earth used to have ice at the poles or for him to have to colonize Mars. Here's five excellent reasons to save the planet:





Do you want to tell that face that you didn't do your part?

Some things we do in hopes of a more sustainable future: recycle everything we can from bottles to junk mail to scraps of paper, grow our own vegetables in our garden, compost our food scraps (and fertilize our garden with it!), use reusable bags, use grey water (from our baby pool) to water our flowers, turn off and unplug when not in use, set a thermostat a litle warmer in the summer and a little colder in the winter, shop at the local farmer's market, Bret carpools to work... we believe we can make a difference. Will you help?


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written! It makes me crazy when people pass up the opportunity to better our planet's future because they think their small part is insignificant. Everyone needs to do their part! I also totally dig Freecycle to help keep items out of the landfills.

Alice said...

my building doesn't recycle paper or cardboard. it makes me CRAZY to throw away all that junk mail.

Lynn said...

Great post and glad Jim and Bret can carpool whenever possible. One of the first things I did when I moved here was get a recycling bin because Jim didn't have one yet. I am amazed weekly at all the stuff we recycle that used to go out with the trash and it is SOOO easy to do!

BTW...adorable pics of Elliott!

nana said...

i started recycling- i can't resist that request or that face- love ya all, nana